

Slice of My Life


Review: Dead Voices by Katherine Arden

My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Goodreads Summary This is definitely an all time new favorite middle grade book for me. Dead Voices is the second book in the Small Spaces series by Katherine Arden that follows a group of kids dealing with spooky happenings that only they seem to be aware of. In this book, we follow the trio as they get snowed…

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The 4 a.m Diaries

Once in a blue moon, my body decides to listen to my heart and soul and gives me what I need. This past week, it was waking up on Monday at 4 a.m. The joy of having woken up early and actually having gotten out of bed was incomparable to anything I’ve felt on a Monday morning — usually a nice cocktail of cynicism, anxiety,…

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Hello September

It’s now autumn, sorry not sorry summer lovers. The night sky is creeping in earlier and earlier, the mornings and nights are getting a bit less obnoxiously hot, and all forms of pumpkin confectioneries are out for sale. Cozy season is officially here! I didn’t plan to take a hiatus but things got pretty busy the past few months and unfortunately, I had to step…

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3 Recent 5 Star Reads

In The Lives of Puppets by T.J Klune goodreads summary This book had me in all the feels. Growing up, I think I may have watched Pinnochio only once and that to in passing so I don’t have much knowledge or emotional connection to the lore that inspired this book. But as someone who’s in her later parts of her twenties, this book made me…

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April and May Wrap Up

It’s the end of June but hey… better late that never right lol? I read a lot of books in these two months and I feel like I’ve read a good chunk of books from different genres. A Couple of Main Highlights: I think that if I took the time to go over each of my reads from April and May, this post will be…

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Weekly Wrap Up #23

Two weeks of a steep downhill of emotions and a surprising happy ending. Weekly Wrap Up #23 This past week was an interesting one. my 9-5 was good but my 5-9 wasn’t. I slept horribly and my mental health wasn’t great. I think a lot of the reason why this past week has been a bit of a mess is that I’m coming up to…

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A twenty something old who loves to talk about what she loves (mostly books but also movies, shows, art, music, podcasts, or anything lifestyle related) and occasionally about the meaning of life and how everything can seem to be so beautiful and chaotic at the same time.

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